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Monday, January 31, 2011

HCG Diet

So today has been a day filled with talk of weight loss. At work, after work. My co-worker is also starting the HCG diet so when I got home I decided to do some more research and was seriously considering trying it. Through my research I found out that the store bought stuff is not actually the true hCG hormone but just a placebo. The true stuff is hundreds of dollars and you need an Rx to get it. Scratch that out of the question, I don't even have insurance! Told my other friend about it who has been on the hcg for a while and I believe she is going to try to get that Rx. Would feel bad if she continued to waste her money. Hopefully she still keeps up the good work though.

So today I started my 1000 calorie diet. Most things say for my weight and height I need 2500 calories a day, but I don't see how I could lose weight with that and I don't even eat close to 2500 calories in a day anyways! I made my own lunch and brought it to work, which is ironically Subway (we have an issue there that makes me not want to eat there, that's another story for another post though). I haven't felt like I am starving myself, I've been eating throughout the day nibbling on carrots. But my stomach seems to be in a constant hunger. Just need to get over this hump and continue on!

On the plus side I have lost 2 pounds and am back down to 250lbs. A while ago I got to 248 but then went back up to 256 a day later due to lord knows why. So hopefully it continues to go down this way! I WILL PREVAIL!

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